"Indeed, if a husband looked at his wife (with love & affection) and his wife also looked at her husband (with love & affection), then God will look at both with the view of love & affection. And if a man clutching fingers of his wife (with love & affection) then berjatuhanlah the sins of all fingers of both of them "(Narrated by Abu Sa'id)
"Prayers 2 cycles of diamalkan people who have married better, than 70 cycles are diamalkan by the bachelor (or virgin)" (Narrated by Ibn Ady in the book Al-Kamil of Abu Hurairah)
"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu own, so you tend to be and feel at ease to him, and maketh among you a sense of love and affection. Indeed, in this really are Signs for those who think "(Ar-Rum 21)
"And nikahkanlah people who are alone among you, and people who are worthy (married) of a male sahayamu servants and slaves sahayamu a woman. IF THEY POOR GOD BE WITH THEM MENGKAYAKAN grace. And Allah Area (gift ) and the All-Knowing. (An Nuur 32)
"And we made everything in pairs, so that you remember the greatness of God" (adh Dzariyaat 49)
"Do not approach adultery, because adultery is heinous act and an evil way" (Al-Isra 32)
"He Who created you from one person, then from him He created his wife, in order to become fit and peaceful to him" (Al-A'raf 189)
"The women who are cruel to the cruel men, and men of evil is for those women who vile (too), and good women are for good men and good men is for women who are good (too) "(An-Nur 26th)
'Give mahr (dowry) to women (who you marry) as a gift with the full compliance' (An Nisaa: 4),
"Marriage is sunnahku, anyone who does not like, not my lineage" (Narrated by Ibn Majah, from 'A'ishah)
"Four kinds of Sunnah-sunnah of the Apostles are: Compassionate, wearing perfume, bersiwak and married" (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
'Do not be a man two-Duan (seclusion) with a girl, because third parties are syaithan' (Al Hadith)
'O youth, whoever of you who have been able to marry, then let him marry. As with marriage to lower his gaze was more and more to keep genitals. And he who has not been capable of, then let him fast, because the fast it can actually be a shield for him "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
"Do not be a male and female seclusion, for syaithan accompanied him. Let not one of our seclusion, unless she was accompanied mahramnya" (Narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim faith from Abdullah Ibn Abbas).
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Days, he must not do seclusion with a woman who is not accompanied mahramnya, because actually the third is the devil" (Al Hadith)
"The world is full of God made jewelry, jewelry and the best life is the wife who Sholihah" (Narrated by Muslim)
"If you come (apply) to you people who you enjoy religion and ruqyah, then nikahkanlah she (the daughter). If you do not accept (proposal) it would be evil in the earth and widespread damage" (Reported by At-Turmidzi)
'He who is given a wife who Sholihah by God, means been helped by him on half of his religion. Therefore, he should be pious in the other half "(Al Hadith)
"Be the best wife. As good as possible and wife, if her husband is considered fun, if he obeyed orders, if a husband is not there, she keep her husband's estate and his guard of honor himself" (Al Hadith)
'The three groups are entitled to be helped by God: a. People who fought / fight in the way of Allah. B. Slaves who redeemed himself from his master. C. Youth who married because she wants to distance himself from the unclean "(Narrated by Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban and Judge)
'O young people! If among you have been able to get married, let him marry, because the eye will be more awake, the pubic would be preserved' (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Mas'ud)
'Kawinlah with women who love and are capable of lambing. Behold, I am proud of you as people will most "(narrated by Abu Dawood)
"You marry each other, make mutual keturunanlah you, and perbanyaklah (descent). Actually I was proud with many in number in the middle of another people" (Narrated by Abdurrazak and Bayhaqi)
"That bad, bad you, is not married, and sehina corpse insulted you, is not married" (Narrated by Bukhari)
"Among the worst of you are living single, and the death of you all the most despicable is the death of people who choose to live celibate" (Narrated by Abu Ya ¡| la and Thabrani)
"From Anas, the Prophet SAW. Once said: He who would meet Allah in a state of pure clean again, then kawinkanlah with respectable women" (Narrated by Ibn Majah, da'eef)
'Rasulullah SAW said: Kawinkanlah people still alone among you. Verily, Allah will edify, extend the provision, and adds nobleness them "(Al Hadith)
"Those who marry (his daughter) because the glare of riches despite his bad faith and ruqyah, then the marriage will never dibarakahi Him, Who is married to a woman because of his position, God will add to her humiliation, Who would marry her because of wealth, God only will give her poverty, Who married a good woman because nasabnya, God will add humility to him, but who is getting married just because you want to keep the views and desires, or because they want to deepen love, God continues to give blessings and add kebarakahan it to him "(Narrated Thabrani )
"Do not marry a woman because of her beauty, just maybe it makes you despicable beauty. Do not you marry a woman because property / his throne might be treasure / throne makes you exceed the limit. However nikahilah women because of his religion. Therefore, a pious slave woman who, despite his bad is the more mainstream "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
"From Jabir ra, In fact the Prophet Muhammad. Hath said: Verily she was married person because of his religion, position, wealth, and beauty, then choose a religion" (Narrated by Muslim and Tirmidhi)
"Women are the most sublime barakahnya, is the lightest maharnya" (Narrated by Ahmad, Al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh isnaad)
"Do not mempermahal value of dowry. Surely if he was glorious in the world and piety in Allah, the Messenger of Allah alone who will be the guardian marriage. (Narrated by Ashhabus Sunan)
'Indeed the great blessing of marriage is the simple shopping (maharnya) "(Narrated by Ahmad)
'From Anas, he said: "Abu Talha married with a dowry of Umm Sulaim become Muslim' (Ditakhrij of An Nasa'i)
"Hold the celebration even if just cutting a goat." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Quoted from on pernikahan.com
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