Sitti Fatimah r.a. reach the peak during adolescence and her beauty had brought the message of Prophet Muhammad have advanced rapidly in Medina and surrounding areas. When it Sitti Fatimah r.a. really has become a teenage daughter.
His face a lot of charm to attract attention. Not a few honorable man who took a bet wants to marry the daughter of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him it. Several prominent people from the immigrants and the Ansar have tried to propose to her. Responding to the proposal, the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. argues, that he was expecting the arrival of instructions from God Almighty about his daughter's.
One day Abu Bakr Siddiq ra, Umar Ibn al-Khatab ra and Sa'ad bin Mu'adh together Apostle of Allah peace be upon him sitting in his mosque. On that occasion discussed among other issues saw the daughter of Allah's Apostle At that time he asked Abu Bakr Siddiq ra: "Are you willing to submit the issue was Fatima to Ali bin Abi Talib?" Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq declared kesediaanya. He moved to contact Imam Ali r.a.
When Imam Ali r.a. saw the arrival of Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq r.a. with hurriedly and surprised she took it, then asked: "You come to bring news?"
After sitting for a brief rest, Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq ra immediately explain the issue: "O Ali, you are the first people who believe in Allah and His Messenger and have more virtue than with others. All the main character there is in you. Similarly, you are the relatives of the Apostle of Allah peace be upon him Some prominent companions submitted application to him to be able to marry his daughter. Application was by him all turned down. He suggested that the issue be submitted to Allah swt daughter, however, O Ali, why until now you had never mentioned his daughter was and why you do not apply for yourself? I wish may Allah and His Messenger will hold it for you princess. "
Hearing the words of Abu Bakr r.a. Imam Ali's eyes r.a. lachrymose. In response to those words, Imam Ali r.a. said: "O Abu Bakr, you have made my heart tremble that semulanya calm. You have been warned something was forgotten. By Allah, I really want Fatimah, but which becomes the only barrier to me is because I do not have anything."
Abu Bakr r.a. Imam Ali was moved to hear the answer that was pitiful. To raise and strengthen the hearts of Imam Ali ra, Abu Bakar ra said: "O Ali, do not you say something like that. For Allah and His Messenger, and everything in this world is just like a mere dust-drenched!"
After the ongoing dialogue as needed, Abu Bakr ra succeeded in pushing the courage of Imam Ali r.a. to apply for a daughter of the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.
Some time later, the Imam Ali r.a. came to the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. that when it was at the residence of Umm Salma. Hearing a knock at the door, Umm Salma asked the Apostle of Allah peace be upon him: "Who is knocking on the door?" Allah's Apostle s.a.w. replied: "Get up and opened the door for him. He was a beloved of Allah and His Messenger, and he loves Allah and His Messenger!" Answer of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Umm Salma was not satisfactory r.a. He asked again: "Yes, but who is he?". "He's my brother, my favorite person!" Replied the Holy Prophet
Listed in a lot of history, that Umm Salma later recounts his own experiences regarding the visit of Imam Ali ra to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. it: "I stood up quickly toward the door, until my feet stumbling. Once the doors opened, it turns out it was people who came to Ali bin Abi Talib. I went back into place. He entered, then say hello and answered by Apostle God saw He was invited to sit in front of him. Ali bin Abi Talib lowered his head, as if to have an intention, but shame about to say it.
Apostle of God precedes said: "O Ali seems you have a need. Say what is in fikiranmu. What you need, will you got me!"
Hear the words of the Apostle of Allah s.a.w. such that, born Ali ibn Abi Talib courage to say: "Forgive, O Messenger of God. You may recall that you have taken me from your uncle, Abu Talib and your aunt, Fatima bint Asad, at a time when I was a child and not understand anything.
Verily Allah has given me through your hidayat well. And you, O Messenger of Allah, is where I take shelter and you, too, who became wasilahku in the world and the hereafter. After God raise me and is now an adult, I want to settle down, live with a wife. Now I come face to apply for your daughter, Fatima. O Messenger of God, are you willing to accept and marry me with him? "
Umm Salma continued his story: "When I saw the Messenger of Allah visible face beaming. With a smile he said to Ali bin Abi Talib:" O Ali, do you have a stock dowry?''. "By Allah", Ali bin Abi Talib replied bluntly, "You yourself know how things were, no anything about me you did not know. I do not have anything other than a suit of armor, a sword and a camel."
"About your sword," said the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. my answer Ali bin Abi Talib, "you still need to continue the struggle in the way of Allah. And untamu that you also need to take water for your family's needs and also you need it in a long journey. Therefore I will marry you only on the basis of a dowry armor only. I'm satisfied to receive the goods from you. O Ali you shall rejoice, for Allah 'Azza wajalla first actually marry you in the sky before I marry you on earth! " Similarly, the version history as told Umm Salma ra
Once everything is ready, with a sense of satisfaction and joy, witnessed by the Companions, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him words final offer wedding kabul daughter: "Behold, God Almighty commanded me to marry you on the basis of Fatima's dowry 400 dirhams (the value of a suit of armor). I hope you can accept that." "Yes, Messenger of God, that I received very well", said Ali bin Abi Talib ra the wedding. (Imam Ali - Al-Hamid Al-Husaini)
(Source: Bulletin Rabithoh Edition-22)
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